Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dedicated to Peace

I sit here today, with a very heavy heart, the heaviest heart I have felt in a long long time.

I sit here on the other end of the planet to most of you, thinking of my family and friends in Israel, thinking of the people of Israel and the people of Gaza, and the distress, pain and fear they are experiencing, and I feel angry!

Angry at the inequality of life.

I was sitting in the water on the rocks down at the bottom of our land, the most beautiful silver sunset, grey skies, silver glittering water all around me and felt the most intense sense of Peace. Surrounded by lush green vegetation behind me and the serene soothing water, thinking of the life I am living and the love I feel for my family. I felt so fortunate and so grateful for where I am and what I have, but felt a very strong PANG in my heart, thinking how unfair it is that whilst I am living this peaceful serene life here, there are people in Israel and Gaza who live in terror of the next moment to come. While my children run around naked having rain showers screaming with joy, splashing in the ocean, climbing coconut trees and live in such abundance of the most tasty and beautiful things in life- there are children in Israel and Gaza who are huddled up in bomb shelters (if they're lucky enough to have one!) and witnessing their homes and families being destroyed in such an awful terrifying way.

I felt that just as the distribution of wealth in this world is so unjust, so is the distribution of Peace.

It is not fair that we are here without a worry on our mind (and of course this is all relative, dare I say that my concern for the lack of butter in the shops here compares to anything that Israeli’s and Palestinians may be feeling right now...), while my family, friends and fellow human kind are suffering the immense atrocities happening in Israel and Gaza in exactly this moment.

I feel so deeply sad by what’s happening there, and every time I watch the news on TV here, my eyes fill with tears and I feel so frustrated and helpless being here with nothing to do to help these people. I know it is, always has been, and might always be a very tricky situation that is happening there, but more so now than ever, living the life that I am, being objective and not living in the eye of that storm, I can see that what the Israeli government and the Hamas are doing will not lead to anything but destruction of hearts, families, people.

I know it is much easier for me to say this here, but a little quote a friend posted on Facebook by the Dalai Lama really touched my heart:

When asked “why didn’t you fight back against the Chinese?” he answered-

“Well war is obsolete, you know. Of course the mind can rationalize fighting back... but the heart, the heart would never understand. Then you would be divided in yourself, the heart and the mind, and the war would be inside you.”

So I dedicate this post to my dearest, beloved family and friends in Israel, and to all Israeli’s and Palestinians. With tears in my eyes, and with all my heart- I wish I could share my peace with you, I wish that someday you will be free of the pain and hatred you feel in your hearts, and have the opportunity to experience true peace, inside and out. I wish for the children to be free of the fear that is embedded in their little beings, and for them never to have to see the things they do, ever again. And to the mothers and fathers... my words escape me... I pray for you all morning and night, and only hope that someone up there or down there can hear me and MAKE THIS STOP!!!!!!

Know that I am thinking of you all allot, and although I don’t write personal emails much, you are in my heart big time, you know who you are, and I hope you’re feeling me!


I don’t feel very inspired to write much about life here right now, so will just say in short that things are good! The house is coming along well, slowly, and with almost all the external walls done- it is finally looking like a house, a home.

My in-laws have been here, Carls mum left last Friday, and his dad is staying for another3-4 weeks. Its been nice having some family here, some familiarity and grandfolks for the kids, I really miss that!

The school year will be over in a couple of weeks, and thank Goddess for that, as I could not stand another day of the ridiculousness of the school and education system here.

Not sure how much longer we will be here, might need to stay longer than out original plan for a January return if the house isn’t complete by then.

We are all good, well, happy and loving life. I am attaching some pics for you to see where we’re at with the house.

PEACE, LOVE and coconuts to you all



Noah on his way to Church

                                          Silly Saulei
                                           Carl's first Dog Tooth Tuna!

                                          Front view of the house

                                          Side view (Bed rooms)

                                          Other side view (Kitchen)


  1. Wise words Nadine, I hope all your family stay safe and the conflict over there stops soon. xx
    Carlos.... well done mate a top capture! The house looks awesome, and I truely know how much of an ordeal it would be. Have been sleeping in my swag amoungst the reno debris for some time, nearly there now and will be in the country before christmas woo hoo.

  2. Gosh Nadine, You've captured my sentiments exactly. I saw a great pic the other day of an israeli and a a palestinian kid hugging that said 'Just get on'. Life's too short to fight and to live in fear.

    You have a new house!!! It's amazing, you should feel extremely proud and satisfied all at the same time!! Incredible work superwoman (and husband and children)
    Lots of love to you (and an extra bit of Almond Croissant sent telepathically to have with you telepathic Flat white!) x bec
