Monday, February 22, 2010


This is me just learning...

Learning about what a blog is and how to use it, about 10 years too late, but always a perfect time.

This is going to be the beginning of our Island adventure blog, where I shall publish all the experiences of our family - Myself, Nadine AKA mummy/Nene, Carl AKA Dada, Noah and Saulei AKA lots of other names. Our adventure to the faraway remote Island of Rotuma, a dot in the middle of the South Pacific, North West of Fiji (about 480km).

We are all going over to live there for about 8 months, among the lush coconut jungles surrounded by nothing but ocean.

The plan is to build a house, or a 'glorified hut' as Carl calls it, out of local materials- timber and thatch, while transporting all the tools and bits from Australia and Fiji, as there is nowhere on the island to get it all.

This has been a long planned journey, Carl has been working hard on the planning, design and all the logistics, and I, Nadine have been working on getting my head around going to live on a very isolated island with no power or cafes for all that time. The kids are oblivious to whats going on, Noah, 3.5yrs knows we're going to 'Rotumo' and that theres lots of coconuts he can drink there, and Saulei, 1.5yrs is happy as long as he's hanging off me.

We are planned to leave Sydney for Fiji on April 27th 2010, stay in Fiji for a couple of weeks to finalize all the freight and purchase all the necessities, and head over, to my terror, by boat, on a +/-30 hour trip over to Rotuma. I say 'to my terror' because the last time i took the boat over there, was when i was 3 months pregnant with Noah, and when i saw the boat at the jetty, i burst into tears... it was a BOMB of a vessel, unfit for human transport, no life jackets, they over loaded it with about 150 more people than what it was allowed, not to mention every inch of space was packed with peoples gear, we had a wooden bench as our seat, Carl and his cousin didn't even have a seat, and I can go on and on, but I wont. All i can say is that i swore never to do that again, and here I am, 4.5 years later about to do it again with 2 little kids.... Apparently this time we're taking "the Government boat", which is supposed to be a bit better. I shall soon find out. I'm trying not to think about it until I have to board. In denial.
Usually I would have flown over there, under 2 hours on a 12 seater from Suva, but apparently they are upgrading the landing strip on the island, from grass to concrete, so no flights arriving there for who knows how long. NOT HAPPY.

SO at the mo we are in Israel, visiting my family for 2 months, Carl is joining us on the 15th of March, as he had to stay at work for 4 more weeks after we left. We're gonna be in Israel until April 19th and then head back to Sydney for a week of packing and goodbyes to all our Sydney crew, and then off on the 29th...


  1. I'm already putting a Magen David of Light around that boat and sending out the vision that you arrive safely on the island! Mom

  2. SO glad you set this up - can't wait to hear all your adventures! Wishing you all the very best love and luck...We'll be thinking of you. Love Katrina and the gang

  3. wow!! Sounds fantastic What an amazing trip ..We´´ be thinking of you and reading it! Carl what happenned to the coconut oil fueled generator idea?
    Love David Robs and Ems

  4. Sounds like an awesome plan (but I will also hold your sea crossing in the light... just in case!!!)
    and I love the blog idea... might just start a proper one of my own finally... (for the 3rd or 4th time)... good luck with everything!!! and come to visit my little bit of paradise before you depart for your adventure! please... shabbat shalom and love to all the tribe! deb

  5. sounds absolutely wonderful. good luck guys!
    Guy & Advah

  6. Best Wishes on the Sea Voyage, May it be as smooth as silk...... Pain of old experiences will only hinder an experience, the thrill and experience with nature that not many people these days get to discover let alone live XXX

    lol - look forward to the Hut stories :)

  7. Cant wait for the next instalment ,sounds like it will make a great story.

    All the best to you and the boys.
    Love Phil and Sheila
